Thanks for booking your senior portrait session!  Here are a few tips to help you prepare for your session with me.

Together we can decide the best location for your photos.  I’ve written a few different blog posts to help guide you on locations.  The first one is Guide to Great Austin Photo Session Spots.  The other post is Photo Shoot Locations.  That being said, if you have any places in mind, let me know and I’ll be happy to go scout them out ahead of time. I’m also open to shooting indoors.  I have a few portable lights and some backdrops.

Time of day is important!  While shooting outdoors, it’s important to keep in mind that mid-day is the most unflattering time for portraits, as the sun is very high in the sky and will cast unwanted shadows.  So I prefer to shoot in the early evening when the sun is not so harsh. However, if that’s just not possible, we can work together to find a time and location that will work.

If your wondering about clothing options for your photoshoot, see my blog post on What to Wear for Senior Portraits.  To help you get the most out of your session, see my blog post Preparing for Senior Photos

It is important to arrive on time to the session, especially since lighting is usually a factor.  Make sure to plan for traffic or parking.  Early is better than late.

So that I can be better prepared for the photoshoot, please fill out this form.

I’m looking forward to our photoshoot!  Feel free to contact me with any questions you have.