Quick Seasonal Photoshoots: A Mini Session Explained

Quick Seasonal Photoshoots: A Mini Session Explained

Mini sessions explained

A mini session is a quick session, which is a compressed version of a full session.  They are only offered twice a year and are scheduled back-to-back with other clients at a specific location and on a specific date.   They are scheduled this way to maximize time, which provides more people with my photography services. These sessions are usually 10-15 minutes in length and are offered as a package deal which includes digital prints.  Mine usually include about 5 images with an option to purchase more.

When are Mini Sessions available?

These sessions are available in the spring and fall only.  The spring sessions are shot during bluebonnet season.  I usually hold these sessions in April, but this year it looks like they are blooming early.  I am currently looking at locations and will probably set a date within the next few weeks.  If you are interested in learning more about that, drop me an email.  

I typically shoot the fall sessions around October and sometimes will include a holiday theme. However, this year I’m considering September and will likely shoot in a more natural setting.  To receive updates on any of my mini sessions, sign up for my newsletter.

How do Mini Sessions work?

I usually arrive at the location up to 15 minutes early to find an exact spot and prepare for the shoot.  Either an assistant or myself will meet you at a specific location which has been determined before the session.  Sometimes I know exactly where I’ll be ahead of time, which makes It easier.  

I set up the sessions back to back with about 5 minutes in between each session to allow a small amount of padding. However, it’s best to arrive early to allow more time in case you run into any traffic.  If clients are late, that cuts into their  session time because I have another client arriving right after and won’t be able to extend the time.  So far I’ve never had any issues with this because I like to prepare everyone in advance.

Who are Mini Sessions for?

Mini sessions allow clients to get a great selection of images in a short amount of time.  However, they are not for everyone.

Mini sessions are not for:

  • Clients looking for something more custom,  where you choose the date or location.
  • Clients looking for a variety of shots, including different group combinations.
  • Clients who are in a large group.  

Mini sessions are for:

  • Clients looking for just a few images.
  • People who are looking for a new photographer and would like to see how we work together.
  • Those who have small children who might not have the attention span for a longer shoot.
  • Families who are looking for a few different shots of just the kids.

If you do have small children and you’re not able to schedule one of my mini sessions during the year, I have created a short session of only 30 minutes.  

What is the difference between the short session and the mini session?

This has caused a little confusion in the past, but let me explain the difference.  

Differences between the short and the mini session:

  • The short session is a stand alone session that is custom like my full session, which means clients get to choose the location and date.  The mini session is scheduled by the photographer at a specific location and date with back to back clients.
  • Unlike the mini session, the short session is available any time throughout the year.  
  • The short session is not a package deal that includes any digital prints.
  • The mini session is as quick as 10-15 minutes long, where the short session is 30 minutes.

If you’re a larger family and looking for more variety and different background options, the full session would most likely be your best bet.

Hopefully that answers any questions you may have about mini sessions.  However, if you think of anything that I’ve missed in this article, feel free to contact me.  I’m always happy to answer questions!  To find out more about the other types of sessions I offer throughout the year, see my session info page.