Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Taylor Family Photo

Before scheduling a photo shoot, you may have some questions.  I’ve come up with a list of common questions.  See my answers to those questions below.

How long will it take to receive our photos?

Usually I can get a gallery setup within a few days, but not always.  In extreme cases, it will take about 7 days.  Once you place your order, it will take up to 10 days for prints and up to 3 days for digital files.

What should we wear?

I say be comfortable!  That said, there are still a few things to know about clothing and photography.  See some of my tips by visiting my blog post, What To Wear.

What happens if it rains?

During rainy weather, I am happy to reschedule the shoot.  I will be flexible to come up with a time that works for us both.

Do you have a studio?

I do not have a studio at this time.  I like to shoot outdoors for the most part, unless it is an indoor lifestyle family shoot, in which case I come to your home.  If you are interested in a studio, I can look into rentals for an additional charge.

What is your pricing?

My session fees can be found here.  I can send you my print packages and digital file pricing via email.  Just email me through my contact form.

What can I do to help the session go smoothly?

I think the best thing to do is try to relax and don’t overthink it.  I know that sometimes with smaller kids it can be a bit stressful.  I have found that the best sessions are when we let it happen naturally.  I will give some direction though, but for the most part I want you to enjoy the session and have some fun!

What if my child doesn’t cooperate?

I try to approach the session as a fun activity that your kids are participating in.  I introduce myself in the beginning and let them know we are here to have fun.  I’m extremely patient, which usually helps in most situations.  Sometimes I like to just go with the flow of things.  Let things happen naturally.  I may have an idea for a shot, but if it doesn’t work out exactly how I had planned for it, I’m ok with it.  Sometimes the best shots are the ones that are not planned!

Can I keep my session images private?

All of my clients fill out a form before they work with me.  There is a box that can be checked if you agree or don’t agree with a model release.  If you prefer to keep your images private, then check off the box that indicates you don’t agree to a model release.

Do you include digital files?

Digital files can be purchased separately from the session fee, as can prints.  Fill out my contact form to inquire about the pricing for both prints and digital files.

Do you offer mini-sessions?

I do offer mini-sessions, but only once or twice during the year.  Follow me on Facebook to keep in the loop on those type of sessions.

Tips For Photographing Kids

Tips For Photographing Kids

Tips Photographing Kids

Working with children can be challenging.  Here are some tips based on some of my recent experiences.

Setting a Time Frame

Before booking the shoot, it’s important to find out when the best time is for the kids.  Are they easier to work with in the morning, or possibly right after an afternoon nap?  Ideally, shooting right before sunset is always going to have the best lighting, but it may not always be the best time for the children.  If parents think that time frame will work, then of course I’d prefer it, but it’s best to work with them in advance to figure it out.

Capturing the Image

During a recent photo shoot, the smallest child was the most difficult.  A few things I did to keep his interest was to use a stuffed animal on my head to entertain him and his brother, which made them laugh.  Another thing I did was let them run around a bit while I was taking photos of their parents.  Sometimes kids just need to run around.  By not fighting it on every shot, I was still able to capture some fun images.  One last tip is to have fun with the shoot.  I like to incorporate fun things for the kids to do, such as running towards the camera, counting to three and making a funny face or pose, or just simply having the family engage in an activity together.

If your interested in booking a session with me, fill out the form on my contact page. 

My Process

My Process

Parshall Family Photo

I thought it might be nice to answer the question that some may have before scheduling a session with me.  What is it like to work with me during a shoot?  What is my process?


Once you book a session with me and submit the deposit, I will send you a link to my welcome page. From there, I will provide all sorts of information, such as what to wear, how to prepare, etc.  I will also send you a print and digital file price list. There is a link to a short form located on the welcome page that helps me get to know you a bit before working with you.  This is really helpful for me.  If I’m working with a family, I can get the names of all the kids ahead of time and learn a little bit about your interests.


If the location chosen is new to me, I will often go to the location in advance or at the very least get to the shoot early so I can scout the location for the best possible spot.  Lighting is an important factor in this process.  I found that scoping the scene out ahead of time is really key and helps me feel better prepared and able to focus all of my energy on the shoot.

Shot List

Before I arrive to the shoot, I plan out a shot list so I’m prepared when we I arrive.  Usually I will direct you into a pose, and shoot  the more formal version first.  After getting the more formal shots, if it’s a family, I like to have them interact with each other.  I like these poses the most because they look very natural.  If I’m shooting senior high schoolers, I may have them involved in an activity, walking or doing something besides just looking at the camera.

Fun Shots

I like to have some fun during the shoot, so I usually incorporate 1 or 2 different fun activities.  For example, I will have my clients pretend they are in a photo booth and I will count and make them pose, giving them complete freedom to do whatever they want.  This often loosens people up, which can help during the rest of the session.

Post Shoot

Once I have completed editing all of the photos, I place them in an online gallery for you to go through and select the images you would like to order.  I usually have this completed within 5 – 7 days.

If your interested in booking a session with me, fill out the form on my contact page.